Good morning!

It is the basis of hospitality and the basis of commerce. This “hello” which comes from the seller has several symbols and several meanings. You still have to not skip it when you come across a customer... Good morning This is the first…

Rainy season

“Rainy marriage, happy marriage”… Strictly speaking, but “rainy season, happy season” doesn’t work! In the plant market, the saying would rather be “rainy season, doubtful cash flow”! It gets stuck quite a bit in the bottom of…

Garden centers elsewhere… In June

Editorials, Uncategorized
For this walk in these garden centers elsewhere... In June, we are going to take a trip to New Zealand, to the USA in Illinois and Connecticut, to Egypt, and we will finish in Cape Verde! Garden centers elsewhere… In June With this stroll…
guide des consommateurs jardin 2024

The Garden Consumer Guide 2025

Every year, we release the Garden Consumer Guide. A 150-page document to cover a garden subject. The 2025 Guide will be released in autumn 2024 and will talk about the future of plant distribution… 🤔 The Garden Consumer Guide Since…

Garden center elsewhere… In May

Garden center elsewhere The garden center elswhere allows us to visit, via Facebook accounts, our neighbors' departments here and there. Since the start of the year, I have been sharing photos of our colleagues around the world. And why do…

The taste of the price

The garden season is starting timidly, the taste of the price can be bitter for customers who look twice before choosing. Plus, if we add the slightly gloomy weather… It’s not great! In short, there's nothing to enjoy behind the garden store…

Garden center elsewhere… In April

Editorials, Uncategorized
Garden center elsewhere, we take the same ones and start again! Like every month, here is an overview of the Facebook publications of our colleagues around the world, just to see the differences… or not! If you also subscribe to a nice page…

Garden center elsewhere… In March

Like every month since the start of 2024, Garden center elsewhere allows you to take a little stroll through the garden centers around the world. At the beginning of March, you will discover the Facebook posts of 5 garden centers taken at random…

Garden Trends Institute

Created in 2014, the Institute of Garden Trends continues its journey in the world of gardening. The association brings together around twenty companies, all from the garden and wishing to better understand trends. Latest meeting, February 1…

Garden center from elsewhere …

Garden center from elsewhere … , are here and now. Every month, I suggest you go digging through the Facebook accounts of our friends elsewhere. How others communicate. Depending on the regions, countries, cultures or sensitivities, publications…