Life in color! #color #guideconsojardin #iscj


#color #guideconsojardin #iscj #garden #garden center #rayonjardin #couleuretsens #landscape #landscape designer #DIY #coloryourlife

Color is everywhere. And it becomes an indispensable marketing tool whatever the product. Beyond symbolism, color becomes a selling point, a very reason to buy a product.


We already had the possibility of changing the frame and the bracelet of our watch according to our desires and our clothing assortments. You can also renew your smartphone case. We dropped the dark hues to dress in bright clothes, all as bright and colorful as each other. What about cars?

Previously, you had to choose the color when purchasing. OK, you could repaint your carriage, but it’s less frequent.

Today we have even better. BMW offers the iX, a car whose colors can change according to your mood!

The coating called iX FGlow allows you to go from white to gray in seconds. Well, for the moment, the colors are limited, but same as it was for planes, it was necessary to rise a few centimeters above the ground for a few meters. Suffice to say that the prospects are numerous and this is perhaps the beginning of a new color marketing.

We are in the infancy of this technology, but with a little imagination, we can go very far with this type of process!

Evening dress !

If the colors of our clothes are rather dark, especially for men, things start to move a little. It must be said that all this dates from the 16th century with the Protestant reform which pushed towards anti-color. And everyone went back to black… Even white had too crazy a symbolism!!!! And was only worn on holidays.

Fortunately, after 400 years, we are beginning to reclaim color a little!

In meetings, the tie has disappeared, and if it is present, it can even be flanked by a cartoon character! The dresses and costumes are mostly dark, but it’s moving! The girls are more reckless than the boys on the subject and allow themselves the color!!! So much the better.

And soon, we will be followers of the ChroMorphous. With a simple click on an application, with your smartphone, leaving a meeting, your clothing can change to red or green. For those who return their jacket regularly, they can do so depending on the color to wear that day! A real joy!

Garden of colors

And in the garden you would say, since all this interests us, the color has also evolved.

In the garden rooms and on the terraces, the old white or black one-piece units from the last century are timidly beginning to take on a little flashier tone. Same for cushions and other umbrellas.

But this discretion and this respect for the dark color favored in clothing is easily transposed to our homes. Try painting your house in fluorescent green, you’ll see, it contrasts with the greyish houses in the neighborhood.

In the garden we also have the pots. For observers of our market, those who observe the terraces and the offers of pot suppliers, here too, change is upon us. Black, brick or white pots are beginning to give way to particularly colorful pottery. Even producers offer green, pink or gold containers to encourage sales.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, color is able to warm up a nursery department in the middle of winter thanks to the color and diversity of the pots.

In floristry or for flower beds, there, we are not confined to dark colors… So if the pots and decorative accessories are gradually moving towards bright colors, we will have to train our teams in the harmony of colors in order to support the customer to avoid the harlequin effect!

Sales aid

For black or white, we are cushy. Harmonization is not too complicated. But as soon as we go out of the ordinary with the chromatic circle of colors, there are rules to follow to avoid dubious mixtures.

Of course, all tastes are in nature, but the professionals that we are must give coherent directions to our customers.

Whether creating gardens, plants, decoration, flooring, pots or paintings of spaces, each of our advisers must perceive warm, neutral or cold colors and propose a balanced combination. All this requires training, understanding and reflection.

On March 15, 2022, in Angers, the association “Institut des Sens et de la Couleur au Jardin” (ISCJ) will bring together its members to understand the desires of consumers on the subject.

The sharing and reflection of the thirty companies present around the table promote understanding of the color phenomenon.

Cars and clothes are starting to change color in one click, soon it will be pots and garden furniture… Can’t wait for the garden of tomorrow ??!

Roland Motte… Gardener!

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