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Vegetable garden my love!


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Vegetable garden my love! It could be the title of a novel, or a film… And in our daily life in the garden, the vegetable garden has become essential… What am I saying, essential. He is the leader for the future of gardening professions!

Vegetable garden my love!

During his last press conference, the boss of Vilmorin referred to an Ipsos survey to insist on the importance of the vegetable garden.

The facts are simple, 64% of vegetable garden owners surveyed say they grow vegetables for healthier food. 35% say they also want to save money.

This analysis is timely! We are in a world that oscillates between increasingly galloping inflation and fear of the future in the face of a very bad climate.

If we combine the two, the vegetable garden is at a crossroads. With him, we will save money, that’s for sure, and with him too, we will stay in touch with nature.

This is not the right solution to save the world, we will have to do a little more, but while waiting for the end of the world…    The vegetable garden can give hope… And potatoes.

The youngest are not mistaken, and very often, the key to reconnecting with nature goes through herbs, vegetables and the cultivation of a small square. Too bad if we have lost the knowledge, by groping a little and with social networks… that will do it!

Purchasing power

The confirmation, on the purchasing power side at least, comes from an Opinion Way survey for Clearpay, and it dates from the beginning of the year!79% of young people questioned in this survey say they are worried about their purchasing power. “Young” means those under 30 years old. 1 in 2 has decided to cancel their winter holidays in 2023, just to save money. And for Generation Z, those under 25, the budget for Valentine’s Day has been reduced by 52% compared to 2022.Things are therefore very clear, it is time to save money and take a good look before taking a penny out of the wallet, for those who still pay with cash…In addition to this reality, it is also the fear of a rather gloomy financial future that acts on the brains of each other. We have known for a long time that the abuse of news on news channels or on the networks seriously harms mental health. The news is black to provoke the audience, enough to encourage the pessimism of the most positive!There’s more money, and the meals are expensive… So?? Vegetable garden my love! Everyone thinks about it!

Solution = Garden!

Considered a hobby for old people who had time, the garden takes root among the youngest, even the very young. Unfortunately, the elders left, taking with them their good peasant common sense and their knowledge of nature. To understand how it works, new gardeners use new methods and seek a language within their reach.With the self-production observatory launched by Gamm Vert and ObSoCo, we know that 67% of French people practice at least one self-production activity. Certainly, for some, it’s just a little chives in the kitchen, but the intention is there!The desire to start in the vegetable garden or more generally in the garden, is a reality. Of course, there are obstacles, misunderstandings and discrepancies… But this furious demand will increasingly materialize in the relationships between brands and consumers.

To act!

To keep in touch with these new garden consumers and to continue to sell our products, our services, our concepts, adaptation is essential.Whether we are producers, distributors, landscapers or manufacturers, our customers expect answers.For there to be answers, there must be questions! Here are the three priority questions they are likely to ask us:- Explain to me how to do it?- Do you do everything to preserve our resources and our environment?- How can you help me consume less, consume better?I grant you, the answers can also be contradictory…And yet, we will have to answer it!The new generations of gardeners are not really pros, they expect simple answers.They are also addicted to the vegetable garden which represents a form of survival and economy. This image perfectly matches the mood of the moment.It is up to us to adapt the discourse, communication and training of the teams in this sense!

Roland Motte… Gardener!

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